One of the best things that a good book can do is change your life. There are a lot of books on personal growth written to inspire you. All books have one thing in common they quote famous personalities throw history to complement the different topics they are talking about.

Whether your ambitions are focused on personal growth, inspiration or motivation, or you’re seeking answers to life’s big questions, turning to famous personalities throw history can improve your happiness, mental wellness and can help you to overcome hard days.

We have published several books on amazon based on extensive collection of famous quotes attributes to the famous personalities like: Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Niccolò Machiavelli, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, William James, Epictetus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Warren Buffet Charlie, Munger, Benjamin Graham and other extensive collections bases on famous philosophers, famous writers, famous businessman, etc.

These books can act as motivational guides that can enhance your life. They can help you to keep a positive attitude, they can establish a basis to set goals, and they can give you a cue for the purpose of your life.

At the bottom of this page there is a list of our books. You can read part of the content for free, or you can buy them on amazon. If you have subscription to kindle unlimited, you can read the complete book for free!

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