‘The sense of space within the reality of any building is a new concept wherever architecture is concerned. But it is essential ancient principle just the same and is not only necessary now but implied by the ideal of democracy itself.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘Everything comes from the great book of nature.’ – Antonio Gaudi
‘The World has become too dangerous for anything less than Utopia.’ – R. Buckminster Fuller
‘Tombs are the clothes of the dead and a grave is a plain suit; while an expensive monument is one with embroidery.’ – R. Buckminster Fuller
‘The individual is losing significance; his destiny is no longer what interests us.’ – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
‘A man is a fool if he drinks before he reaches the age of 50, and a fool if he doesn’t afterward.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘The only thing wrong with architecture is architects.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘But what if we are dealing with fools?’ – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
‘Tomorrow we will do beautiful things.’ – Antonio Gaudi
In the following book there are 1011 quotes from famous architects. Most of them died last century.
This is an effort to collect Inspiring Quotes attributed to Famous Architects. Certainly, one of them can inspire you and maybe can motivate some changes in your existence in order to be more creative.
This compilation includes several architects, each of them demonstrates a combination of qualities of talent, vision, and commitment, which has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built environment through the art of architecture. Most of them earned the Pritzker Prize.
Of course, we must include figures like Frank Lloyd Wright, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, R. Buckminster Fuller, Walter Gropius and Zaha Hadid.
Architects List:
Frank Lloyd Wright, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, R. Buckminster Fuller, Walter Gropius, Zaha Hadid, Le Corbusier, Antoni Gaudí, Oscar Niemeyer, Frank Gehry, Richard Neutra, Renzo Piano, Richard Meier, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Tadao Ando, Peter Zumthor.
Some quotes inside this book:
‘I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘There is a role and function for beauty in our time.’ – Tadao Ando
‘My passion and great enjoyment for architecture, and the reason the older I get the more I enjoy it, is because I believe we – architects – can effect the quality of life of the people.’ – Richard Rogers
‘I make a model of the site. There are some obvious things: where the entrance should be, where the cars have to go in. You start to get the scale of it. You understand the client’s needs, and what the client is hoping for and yearning for.’ – Frank Gehry
‘The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘Architects everywhere have recognized the need of … a tool which may be put in the hands of creators of form, with the simple aim … of making the bad difficult and the good easy.’ – Le Corbusier
‘Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking.’ – R. Buckminster Fuller
‘All of humanity is in peril of extinction if each one of us does not dare, now and henceforth, always to tell only the truth, and all the truth, and to do so promptly – right now.’ – R. Buckminster Fuller
‘Today is much more an age of greed’ – Richard Rogers
‘I don’t make things with my hands, although I studied woodworking and made furniture.’ – Frank Gehry
‘If I had my druthers, I would do a lot more.’ – Richard Meier
‘Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘The “styles” are a lie.’ – Le Corbusier
‘It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest.’ – R. Buckminster Fuller
‘Look, architecture has a lot of places to hide behind, a lot of excuses. “The client made me do this.” “The city made me do this.” “Oh, the budget.” I don’t believe that anymore.’ – Frank Gehry
‘Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘Cities are beautiful because they are created slowly; they are made by time. A city is born from a tangle of monuments and infrastructures , culture and market, national history and everyday stories. It takes 500 years to create a city, 50 to create a neighborhood.’ – Renzo Piano
‘You always want to try to make something new, and, of course, America is the world leader in economics today.’ – Tadao Ando
‘No man can prove upon awakening that he is the man who he thinks went to bed the night before, or that anything that he recollects is anything other than a convincing dream.’ – R. Buckminster Fuller
‘Love of an idea is the love of God.’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
‘I am eccentric, I admit it, but I am not a nutcase.’ – Zaha Hadid
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