701 William James, Abraham Maslow, B. F. Skinner, Ivan Pavlov Quotes: Habits and behaviors. Thoughts to change your mind.

As a rule reading fiction is as hard to me as trying to hit a target by hurling feathers at it. I need resistance to celebrate! – William James

Focus on increasing service. Becoming great where you are. Pile in the wood. The heat will follow. – William James

When a superior intellect and a psychopathic temperament coalesce in the same individual, we have the best possible condition for the kind of effective genius that gets into the biographical dictionaries. – William James

If you give appreciation to people, you win their goodwill. But more important than that, practicing this philosophy has made a different person of me. – William James

Where is it, this present? It has melted in our grasp, fled ere we could touch it, gone in the instant of becoming. – William James

Religion is the attempt to be in harmony with an unseen order of things. – William James

Among psychologists, William James, Abraham Maslow, B. F. Skinner, Ivan have been labeled as icons in the Behaviourism World.

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Some quotes inside this book:

I was awfully curious to find out why I didn’t go insane. – Abraham Maslow

What shall we think of a well-adjusted slave? – Abraham Maslow

The function of ignoring, of inattention, is as vital a factor in mental progress as the function of attention itself. – William James

Truth, as any dictionary will tell you, is a property of certain of our ideas. It means their agreement, as falsity means their disagreement, with reality. – William James

What kind of guilt comes from being true to yourself but not to others?. As we have seen, being true to yourself may at times intrinsically and necessarily be in conflict with being true to others. – Abraham Maslow

Habit simplifies our movements, makes them accurate, and diminishes fatigue. – William James

To spend life for something which outlasts it. – William James

Tension is a habit. Relaxing is a habit. Bad habits can be broken, good habits formed. – William James

If you want a confidence, act as if you already have it. Try the “as if” technique. – William James

The Sun-Paul must consider only one thing: what is the relation of this or that external reaction of the animal to the phenomena of the external world? – Ivan Pavlov

Truth is what will be steadily borne out by subsequent experience – William James

Old age is rather like another country. You will enjoy it more if you have prepared yourself before you go. – B. F. Skinner

We fear our highest possibility. We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments. – Abraham Maslow

A man may not achieve everything he has dreamed, but he will never achieve anything great without having dreamed it first. – William James

Truth is something that happens to an idea. – William James

Our esteem for facts has not neutralized in us all religiousness. It is itself almost religious. Our scientific temper is devout. – William James

The faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention, over and over again, is the very root of judgment, character, and will. An education which should improve this faculty would be the education par excellence. – William James

Men are apt to be much more influenced by words than by the actual facts of the surrounding reality – Ivan Pavlov

Every sort of energy and endurance, of courage and capacity for handling life’s evils, is set free in those who have religious faith. – William James

Only necessity understood, and bondage to the highest is identical with true freedom. – William James

Our faith is faith in someone else’s faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case. – William James

A purely disembodied human emotion is a nonentity. – William James

The test of a man is: does he bear apples? Does he bear fruit? – Abraham Maslow

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